My eternal task master.
I’ve just spent two hours making the house look passingly
presentable. Two hours that could have been spent doing something far more
productive and contributive to the human condition. It could have been two hours better spent
looking for freelance work to start on once my paid maternity leave ends in
April, or I could have done some more research into ‘Objective C’, OR I could
have come up with an economic theory that would bring world peace!!! I’m pretty
sure if I didn’t need to bleach the kitchen sink and scrub the hob, I’d be
capable of that… or at least be able to budget to pay the credit card bill in
It’s not as if this house ever gets into a really grim state, we have a cleaner once a week (a necessity in a shared house to stop us all murdering each other over whose turn it is to scrub the toilet out) but obviously, a pack of small children produces daily mess that needs to be dealt with.
Ed was a stay at home dad to Kam and Reuben for 18 months
and he did not tear his hair out over the housework in the way I do, probably
because he is sane and doesn't subconsciously attach it to his sense of self-worth. Things were
a lot messier, but no-one caught a derivative of e-coli and it was fine, FINE.
And the kids had fun. But still, I felt judged on the way the house sometimes
was, which was stupid, but that’s often how I felt. There’s muddy welly prints
on the kitchen floor! Oh my god! My mother in law’s going to think I’m a
complete and utter slattern! When, to be honest, all my mother in law notices
when she comes over, is how many sweets she can get into my children’s belly’s
on every visit. It’s yet another example of how we pile unnecessary pressure on
ourselves ladies, seriously, as long as they’re not risking death by visiting
an unfit hovel, NO ONE CARES! And if they do? Do you really want a judgemental knobber
like that in your life? This isn’t me giving myself carte blanche, however. Good god, no. The daily cleaning and
tidying will have to continue or I’d probably drown in a sea of dirty, small boy
underwear, shoes and paraphernalia.
And I know it looks like I’ve broken one of my own Appymum rules by discussing housework, but I’ve only really mentioned the psychological make-up and values attached to housework. WORLD of difference… I think!
Appymum project: Friday is a big day, Friday is payday and
the day I get my donated Mac fully up and running. EXCITING TIMES! I still have
no idea what sort of App I’d like to develop, or had much time to research
this. See above sink bleaching and hob scrubbing, but I’m getting there dammit.
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